The “Volunteer” Potatoes Are Ready To Give Up Their Bounty

This plant has died back enough to have medium sized potatoes under it.

This plant has died back enough to have medium sized potatoes under it.

If you miss one tiny piece when you harvest potatoes, a new plant will spring up the following year, usually in an inconvenient spot.  We moved some of these volunteers to their own row in May but left some to mature where they chose as they always seem to do better.  When the plants begin to die back, you can start finding potatoes of a usable size.  In 2002, I planted red, white and blue potatoes (feeling patriotic after September 11th) and I have not had to plant them since.

I loosen the soil with my garden fork then root around with my hands to avoid harming the cabbages.

I loosen the soil with my garden fork then root around with my hands to avoid harming the cabbages.

The blue ones are the happiest and are now the only ones still coming up.  This is fine with us.  They look a little funny but they are very tasty and seem to cook faster.  This morning I noticed that one plant had begun to die back so out came the garden fork and soon I was rooting around under the cabbages for potatoes.  Care must be taken with the fork so as not to pierce the tender skin.  Fresh potatoes:  so much more flavor than those you buy in the store.

They're a little funny looking but the flavor is unsurpassed.

They’re a little funny looking but the flavor is unsurpassed.

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Carla said,

    Yum! Growing up, potatoes were my responsibility in the family garden. I have a special fondness for them. So easy to grow. So tasty to eat.


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